Case Study

360° Intelligent Sensors

360° Intelligent Sensors

Extreme weather, power lines and vegetation fuel have created the recipe for explosive fire growth. Wildfire risk is expected to grow across the USA. Over 30% of US population and one in three houses are in the US Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). These numbers are growing rapidly, raising wildfire risk. Northern California has experienced severe wildfires since August 2020. Unfortunately, with increasing dryness and high winds, the wildfire season is just starting in California and wildfire risk is expected to increase in the years to come.

Many factors (e.g., asset, vegetation, meteorological) must be considered in Electric Utility Vegetation Management and WUI. Currently, companies process these factors and unstructured data manually. The data processing and new analytics development takes several months to years and are error prone, i.e. real-time data cannot be processed and used in near real-time. Hence, AI is a must to provide actionable insight to mitigate unprecedented wildfire risks. Intelligent remote sensors and AI must play a key role to prevent and mitigate wildfire risks, given the vast amount of vegetation in proximity to overhead electrical lines. Our technology innovation comprises of an industry agnostic holistic modular and scalable Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform (VISION) and Internet of Things (IoT) enabled by intelligent sensor devices.

Through various data acquisition strategies (fixed and mobile), our intelligent sensors will collect real-time data such as LiDAR, meteorological, vegetation, asset data using Cloud and EDGE technology/software. Our unique value proposition will address significant challenges for keys elements of Value Chains in various industries. E.g., in Electric utilities, real-time data acquisition, automated processing, and use of real-time data to provide actionable insight. Our affordable fixed and mobile real-time intelligent remote sensors will apply our proprietary AI deep learning processes to automatically analyze real-time data without human intervention to provide analytics-enabled value for asset management, hardware-enabled real-time monitoring and intelligence resulting in optimized CAPEX/OPEX, enabling optimal risk mitigation spend efficiency i.e. predictive capability-we will provide analytics in near real-time to enable data driven decision-making; provide insight and foresight to prevent and mitigate risks.

Vegetation Management (VM)

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

Corona detection in Grid


Vision AI Platform

A holistic agnostic modular platform for managing Big Data, modeling, deploying and storing information. The platform uses Cloud technology to set up an ecosystem to orchestrate AI development and deployment. Each module can be integrated with existing systems.


Mobile Sensor Network(GMSN)

GMSN analyses risk factors automatically, e.g., in a utility vehicle. Data can be fed into other systems and combined with other data sources, e.g., satellite and aerial data.


Fixed Sensor Network(GFSN)

GFSN devices installed on transmission towers, distribution poles, buildings and other structures have multiple capabilities and utilize sustainable energy enabling sustainable operations that minimize maintenance.

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